Sunday, September 27, 2015


If you love King Arthur and his world, [or Morgan Le Fay's, to be fair, for those who have The Mists of Avalon book or movie],  check out the amazing illustrations American painter N.C. Wyeth [1882-1945] did on that world. He was taught by the famous illustrator Howard Pyle.

There are a few examples here, and here at WikiArt [use the horizontal scroll bar near the bottom]. The piece "The Death of Guenever" is one of his more somber, rare quiet paintings, it's really beautiful.

Sir Tristram getting killed by King Mark as Tristram played the harp for Isolde is amazing:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Ideas as fall approaches

As fall approaches, be sure to drive out to apple orchards--if not to pick any, then to at least see them, be out in nature and grab a bag of fruit.

Make sure to get some apple cider when it starts being made locally, and enjoy the quick moments of cold that sneak up on us this early.

Start re-reading or exploring [or introduce a young person to] Poe, Hawthorne, M.R. James and Lovecraft's short stories. Reading them with a chill in the air makes them way more compelling. And spooky.

Another thing that helps people enjoy the season, and nature itself, is to look at curated collections of photographs on pinterest or tumblr. There are many about eerie autumnal scenes, or cheery fall barn/farm scenes with beautiful orange leaves everywhere. At night or in the morning, when you don't have time to get outside, looking at a focused group of images can really connect you to nature. You find yourself looking forward to being out in the forest.

The image is from the film 'Blade'.