Sunday, August 31, 2014


Food is very personal and subject to time period and culture, region. Still, one can venture out and try some simple sushi, some poutine, some mango bubble tea. Two things to potentially try are falafel and almond marzipan horns [they look like horseshoes].

Falafel mix [the ground chickpeas already mixed with spices] is often in the imported food section of grocery stores, and can come from many countries. It's easy to simply bake it all in a pan instead of frying it. Falafel is a great way to add both spicy food and vegetables into your meals, and you can eat it with cucumber slices and some yogurt or sauce to balance out the spiciness. People who don't like the typical blandness of vegetables will love it.

Another interesting world cuisine find is Germanic/Bavarian almond horns. They are covered in sliced almonds and are made of marzipan in a type of almond cookie result. If you like red Italian almond cookies [shaped like a circle with a little cherry in the middle sometimes], try these. They are easy to find in local bakeries, give them a search. You may have already tried them at area Oktoberfests.

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