Wednesday, June 4, 2014


This manuscript of medieval music is in Italy, probably Florence or in Tuscany--our friend photographer has forgotten which town he snapped it in. While our Western music has evolved past the advancements Pope Gregory the Great [540-604] helped along, ancient music has great appeal if you approach it in the right way.

Put on 'Missa Pange lingua' by the famous Josquin des Prez [1450-1521] from the Netherlands, or his 'Berzerette savoyenne' from the Missa by Chanticleer and lie down and relax, or even clean/organize. During the summer especially, medieval and Renaissance music from the West gives a feeling of cool echoing, of stone walls and dim corridors, of sweet hints of incense and relief from the heat.

The hour long piece 'Gregorian Chants with the sounds of nature' is also a great combination if you enjoy that type of thing.

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