Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book rec

For a fun book, I enjoyed something out of my usual tastes--Good Omens. I'm no big fan of Pratchett or Gaiman, so I had assumed this book wouldn't be for me, but it was.

It's about a type of realistic, funny and practical almost Game of Thrones style friendship between an agent of heaven [the angel Aziraphale] and an agent of hell [Crowley]. It's funny and a great time--where is my HBO miniseries already?!

Try Herman Hesse's books for crazy, fascinating worlds, like that of Steppenwolf or The Glass Bead Game. Both are very strange, and have a sense of magical realism, so if you like the famous Columbian writer  Gabriel Garcia Lopez, come try them.

While I don't usually like YA fiction or fantastical elements, I did like Redwall. I just imaged they were all people. The mystery and what they find becomes really interesting. Kind of like Umberto Eco for children.

Another fun book is Bridget Jones' Diary, but you really have to be in the mood for it. It's a nice pick me up if you're down--but what's better is the really fun Rainbow Six by Tom Clancy. And of course Clive Cussler is great if you love pirate treasure, wild adventures, the ocean, the sea, and more treasure.

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